Superbritánico: Spain’s social media success story

When I lived in Spain, one of my favourite pastimes with my friends and fellow English teachers, was to translate Spanish sayings into English and vice versa. All too soon, “How strong colleague!” (¡Qué fuerte colega!) became a regular turn of phrase around the department and my flat.

Then, last year I was sent a link to a Facebook post with one such expression decorated in a poster-style graphic. I thought it was great and discovered that the creators were a company called Superbritánico. I immediately started following them on social media and charting their progress as a new start-up. My timeline is invariably now littered with phrases such as, “I Love you an egg” and “Long live the mother who gave birth to me”.

When it came to buying a diary for the new academic year (I still use one even though my main job is no longer in academia) I had a look on their newish website and lo and behold I found what I was looking for. I also couldn’t resist a few other bits and bobs too. If you are more of a January to December kind of person, they also have a 2015 diary out soon.


Recently, I was lucky enough to have a chat with the founders of Superbritánico and find out a bit more about the company.

The start-up is the brainchild of three young entrepreneurs all under 30; Nicholas Isard (a modern language graduate from Southport, UK), Marielle Lambrun (a Spanish graduate from Lavaufranche, France) and Daniel Vivas Tesón (an economics graduate from Seville, Spain).

Superbritánico started life in July 2013 when, after leaving work for the evening – they also run successful translation company, molmola – Nick exclaimed, “What heat, my weapon!”, a direct translation of the Spanish, “¡Qué calor, mi arma!”. They all started to laugh and began thinking of other expressions they could translate. The idea was born and they started sharing the sayings on social media.


In just a year, the company has attracted over 250K followers on its TwitterFacebookInstagram and Pinterest channels. As well as an online store, the founders have now released a book, The Lemony Pear. The intriguing, yet useful book is and off-the-wall guide to learning English and, after a successful launch in Spain, has reached UK shores with an official launch in Durham University.

Nick told me that they have been amazed by how popular their sayings and products have been in Spain.

“We hope that people in the UK, including some of the 50,000 Spaniards who set up home in the UK last year, will now find them just as fun,” he said.

I can’t speak for the UK but it gives me some great ideas for presents.

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